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Editing Experience

Save the Day


December 2019

This short film is a remake of a film I made in High School that won the International Thespian Society "Superior" Award for the short film category. This remake served as the final short film I shot in college and was directed, written, and edited by myself.
The original short film has the main character fight a wizard in a comic book to gain the confidence he needs to ask a girl out in the real world; in the remake, I changed this to a VR video game to put a new spin on the concept.
The short film allowed me to show off my knowledge of aesthetics and editing. The real world is shown to be desaturated and blue and is also presented in a combination of deep and flat space to make the audience feel uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the VR world is an oversaturated red and uses almost entirely deep space to create a sense of excitement and that the main character is moving towards fulfilling his need of gaining confidence. Costume design played into this as well, with the real world being blues, except for the love interest, who wore red. By the end of the film, the real world's colors are more saturated and are red to signify the main character's change, and he even dons red himself before he asks out his love interest. The whole VR sequence was shot with a green screen and designed using Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Illustrator.

Creating Conversations: Charlotte's Grande Disco

July 2019

Being an intern at Susie Films gave me a chance to have a lot of hands on experience. One of these experiences was working with the other interns to create a video about the importance of public art in Charlotte, NC.
Each intern pitched in where they felt they were best skilled for the project. I volunteered to edit the video and do the graphics and title work where necessary.
The project consists of B-roll of the Grande Disco sculpture in Charlotte, on-the-street interviews, some stock footage and music from Susie Film's library, and title work by myself. The video was edited 4 times for minor changes until it was approved by Susie Films to be posted on their social media.
The video was edited by myself, directed by Alanna Farr, produced by Ciera Thompson, and filmed by Jacob Piller. Including editing time, this 1 minute short took 2 weeks to produce.

Design for America @Elon

Launch Video

June 2019

Last year, I was contacted by Dr. William Moner, the faculty member in charge of overseeing the project to include Elon University in the Design for America program, which is a national organization dedicated to problem-solving important issues.
Dr. Moner requested my assistance in editing together the launch video for Elon to showcase to the executives of DFA that Elon was worthy to become a part of the DFA program. The video clips and narration I was given to compile this project were based on Dr. Moner's student team's proposal to create a map for disabled prospective students taking tours on campus.
I created this video with upbeat, stock music to create a sense of wonder and exploration. I also tried to use the most cinematic and exciting shots I was given to be able to make this video feel as though it was progressive and moving the viewer toward the goals of the DFA Elon team. After the submission of this video, Elon officially became part of Design for America in June, 2019.
Blurred Campus 2.jpg

Hidden College Gems

Reality TV Show Pilot

October 2018

Hidden College Gems was a full length pilot filmed as a part of a group project for my Television Production class. The assignment was to film a full length, reality TV pilot similar to a reality TV show that was on at the time.
My group chose to film a show similar to that of Parts Unknown, except the focus would be on college campuses instead of cities around the world.
While each of my team members had a hand in filming the show, coming up with segments, and other tasks such as producing and writing, my primary focus was to edit the 24 minute pilot together. The whole process took a couple drafts and about four days of almost non-stop editing, but the project was finally completed.
The edits are meant to feel exactly like a reality TV show, with B-roll showcasing what the interviewee is talking about, quiz questions between segments, and barely cut walking shots to create a sense of real time action. If you like reality TV, definitely check out our Hidden College Gems pilot, set at Elon University.
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